The_ Pi Web


Hi, I am Panos and since 2013 I have been building websites.
I have experience in most aspects of the web workflow although I put my focus mostly on the frontend side of development.

My skills:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Javascript
  • PHP
  • Wordpress
  • Sass
  • Bootstrap
  • Vue.js
  • Jquery
  • Always eager to learn more

Personal Projects


Agricultural biotechnology project made with wordpress.

design, development, custom theme


Eshop made with wordpress and woocommerce.


PB Photography

Personal portfolio website on wordpress for a photographer

development, custom theme

Vassilis Retreat

Hotel in Kefallonia, Greece made with wordpress.

development, custom theme

French website on wordpress focusing on art in Greece.

development, custom theme

Roulas Mera

A chef's website on wordpress updated daily with wonderful recipes.

design, development, custom theme